Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lumix LX-3

finally i got my camera from the dealer, last friday, it was a very complicated day, it was valentine’s eve, it was the day my grandpa masuk ICU in a sudden, it was the day i withdraw a damn big amount of cash from my account, it was the day i nearly spend a night outside ICU room, basically in the end it’s a very complicated day. i’m not gonna repeat some particular thing as i assume some of you knew what had happened. =)

well, i’ve finally got my LX-3, costing me 1550, which is also consider quite cheap in the market, (market price 1779, i sumore ada freebies wei, ^^), still learning the functions of shutter speed and aperture and loads of stuffs, gonna bug Calv and Riz sooner or later. XD

here are some pictures taken though, do comment, thanks. =)


first picture taken, credits to Amigo



date not correct la.. ><




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course I liked the pictures, the first one that has me in it. Ha-ha.

Anyway, I liked the picture with the watch. Reminds me of my similar ALBA watch that I used to wear throughout high school.