Friday, July 3, 2009

coming soon


finals is next week



P1170678and first time trying out my

mini photo studio


P1170711give me some lights




and note to myself


1. revision for finals

2. buy lamp and light bulbs for MPS (mini photo studio)

3. plan for the holiday

4. link those should be linked

5. meet up with those important person

*yes, YOU!!*

6. get a fisheye lens ASAP

7. train for Pimp My Hat

8. get a hat

9. work hard to get D90

10. find someone to sponsor D90 *better*











EVo said... sial u!when's the pimp ur hat? btw r u a help student? who u know in help that i may know?

Bboy Rice said...

the pimp your hat thing is on 26th July.. but registration ends 5th of July.. so hurry up and sign up...and there'll be frisbee practice tomolo at KBU field from 0900 to 1200.. and everyone is welcome...
so drop by la... XD

and yeah i'm a Helpian
i just checked out mutual friends..
you and i know..
Aaron Foo, CC, Grace Chin,Isabelle Lai, Mojosh, Leonard, Vin, Zen and his girlfriend..
wow.. that's quite a lot of mutual friend though.. XD
anyway hope to see you around in events... =)