Tuesday, July 14, 2009

i wan free stuff too



i just realized i missed

this competition

imagewanted to write about

how i lurve my LX-3 ;)





oh well

i have another contest to join also

let me show the face of the organizer first

P1180190Bryan Lim (right)


a blogger and photographer that attends many happening events

i met him at Blogger “K'”arnival last month

and also got shot right at the middle of the right eye

when we’re playing paintball the other day


imagehere’s the prizes he’s gonna give out

*picture taken from his website*


if anyone of you is also interested to get some of these

do check out his website

click here to win something





hope i can get some of it

*crosses fingers*




paintball post is coming out next

i know some of you people are waiting for it




