i know some of you are waiting for
this blog post
the night before
google maps come in handy at times like this
and can save taxi money
awesome place to play paintball
Malaysian National Paintball League
some banners for the paintballers
so on that day
100709 FRI
I met
to join the awesome paintball training
the Rambo on the field
*we didn’t saw each another even we’re “inches” away, LOLx~*
a very hyperactive dude
who i always see on the right side of the field
the red shirt brothers 2
that handles the snake
he shot me at the first game
*i think*
thanks for giving me the remaining pellet
also a good shooter in the field
and then
the trainer who trains
awesome talk with you lar
*sorry don have pics*
and if i left out someone
thousand apologies
the Yakuza team was there to do some field training
glad they let us join in
and have fun too
cool team training
about the gear we used
but a marker
but pellets
the mask that the place provides
not bad because have no bad smell
paint check on the players
order or drag a hit player out of the field
stand there and got shot accidentally
salute to the professionalism of their job
not easy one you know
but we didn’t get to try out this field
it’s larger than a basketball court
there were Xball going on in there
the situation is like
raining paintballs
and you dunno what they are shouting about
it goes like
*you go blaerajlfldjalfjdjaoeafjeajkl*
it’s a different world when you step into the field
and some safety rules for paintball
when ever you’re in the field
and when you’re off the field
and another one is safety pity pin on
this is to ensure the safety of
every single living thing at the place
let’s talk about funny things that happened on the field
above is Mojosh and Me
and i’m about to face Marcus and Jason on the other side
obviously in a real battle field
you know who’s your enemy
and who to shot lar
how are you gonna recognize the people
with the same color outfit
especially when there’s one on both sides
Marcus :
Dont Shoot ME!!!!!
huh? that is Mojosh izit??
*hides back into the temple*
Marcus :
*pull back cork*
*pull back cork*
what? who’s shooting me?
*peep out and see*
y Mojosh shooting me one?
*KNS, shoot only lar!!!!*
*fires back*
*starts bunkering*
someone run forward wor
*runs to the left side*
*ehhhh… where is he le??*
you see no me
you see no me
*turns back and shot his ass!!*
thanks Chia Wei for taking such wonderful pictures
this is the story from
check out
for a the whole story
while the others are having a great time outside
watching how silly i was
lesson to myself
“shoot anyone that’s facing you in the field”
“don scare they will get injured cause you
don wan yourself to get injured also”
i had minor ones
not even noticeable
but i got hit on the right leg most
same spot summore
injury is
not as bad as
he was coming for Mojosh on my right
but didn’t realize that i was on the left
so i shot him from the back
thought i only got his waist
hope it’s getting better now
paintball is just freaking awesome
when you can play with
freaking awesome people too
picture credits goes to
Chia Wei
here are some extras
“you there, watch out
holding an angel
can cause this to happen
look at Mojosh’s orgasmic face
he is so poisoned now
that’s the end of this long long long post
thanks for reading till the end
and thanks to
Chia Wei
and Ego
for the pictures