Wednesday, July 22, 2009

district 9

the teaser poster


tag line:


this is the District 9 teaser trailer

watch this first

and you better watch this first


and check this one too

it’s a short movie

created by Neil Blomkamp

the aliens are here

what do they do?

they attack your country and take over earth?

they zap you using those laser ray gun?

they come in peace, they have no harm?

or maybe

they’re coming to earth for a vacation

this time these bug likes aliens came down to earth

as refugees

they were the last of their own kind

and they wanna survive

instead of giving help to these “creatures”

they were force to live in terrible conditions

at Johannesburg, South Africa

they were not allowed to leave earth

because the human want a hand of

the aliens’ awesome weaponry work

catch the last part of my story in the trailer below

i think it’s gonna be an awesome movie to catch

a different story between aliens and humans


after watching the teasers and trailers

@ Doctor Popcorn



District 9 is really one movie i really wanna catch

and Nuffnang is organizing their very own

Nuffnang Premiere Screening of District 9 happening on 12 August

Oh Nuffnang please

give me those premiere tickets



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